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FLYING47 - 77 year old man from Corona, California

LDS Singles Flying47
77 years old
Gray Hair
Brown Eyes
5 ft.  11 in.
Average Build
College Graduate
Corona, California
Mission: yes
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
5 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

I currently live in So. Cal. I have lived in Arizona, New York and Hawaii. I have been fortunate enough to travel worldwide so I have come to appreciate many different cultures. During my travels I come to enjoy photography looking at the beauty in people and their surroundings. I look for the details and artistry in life and how best to appreciate every aspect. I'm looking for someone who is classy but can also have fun and enjoy life. It is important to me that there is trust and respect and a great verbal communication. Life will have its ups and downs but its how we react to each moment which makes a great relationship. I'm active in the church and enjoy the spirit in each Sunday meeting. I'm retired and want to enjoy going to different places with someone who has similar interests. I worked for 42 years and enjoyed every minute of it. I recently signed up for JustServe and its fun serving others. Of course I have children and grandchildren which I love very much.

My Interests and Hobbies:

Well, as stated in my introduction I enjoy photography and the beauty it brings to life. I enjoy the beach and the mountains. I go to plays, theater, comedy clubs and service projects. I enjoy reading a good book, relaxing and watching a good movie. I have planted vegetable each year and flowers around the yard. I love a home grown tomato. I would not say I have a green thumb. I like to have things clean and neat. I get out and walk for an hour 3-4 times a week. I do not like California traffic. I have a sense of humor, well that depends who you ask. I have started to take some classes at the University again. There are other interesting things about me but I will leave that to when we get to know each other better.

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