LDS Pals

LOU-LOUB - 59 year old woman from Brisbane, Australia

LDS Singles Lou-LouB
59 years old
Red Hair
Green Eyes
5 ft.  5 in.
Slender Build
Graduate Work
Brisbane, Australia
Mission: not yet
Temple Worthy
Temple Recommend
Regularly Attends Church
1 Children, 0 at home
My Introduction:

Hmm.. what to say. I’m Australian/British. Looking for local friends and would love to meet someone to share this adventure we call life. I love the gospel and am also open/liberal minded. I’m quietly confident. I love being in amongst nature, love animals, times with friends, movies, eating out, enjoy travelling and can’t wait to get back to the UK and Europe in a few months, for the first time in a few years. I have a positive life attitude overall.

My Interests and Hobbies:

I enjoy all things nature. Love to read, watch movies - at the cinema or at home, eating in or out, bush-walking, the theatre, having friends over for fire pit gatherings/meals. Love horse-riding, canoeing, beach swimming but haven’t done these nearly enough in the last three years. I love British humour - eg BlackAdder, British TV and movies. I love going to concerts - and have somewhat varied musical taste - though mostly popular music and some country. ColdPlay, Ed Sheeran, Keith Urban, Dixie Chicks, 80s music, some 70s, and current. Nowadays, I much prefer small groups of friends getting together, where you can really chat rather than big group gatherings. I read French relatively fluently, though my French listening and speaking need a LOT more practice - which I’m going to make happen now that other life commitments are finally settling down again. I generally love life, and love and care deeply for those in my life.

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