My Introduction: |
I'm seeing someone so I'm not available. |
My Interests and Hobbies: |
Photography has been a part of my life since I first took pictures as a young boy. I used my dad's camera, which used black and white film made in the 50's. I found comfort behind the lens instead of in front of the camera. This being because of being shy. Golf is a great way to relax, besides do to an injury it is one I can enjoy. Snowmobiling is a great activity to get out and enjoy the beauty of nature in a different way. I enjoy traveling and seeing the beauty that is all around us. I enjoy singing, but have not done it in public except in a choir. I haven't overcome that fear as of yet. If I feel comfortable I would sing for someone. I tend to be a private person. People who know me would say I'm not shy. It is that first hurdle which is the hardest. It has never been easy for me. I thought by being in front of a computer it would be a little easier, which hasn't been the case. I am very easy to talk to once I feel comfortable. I am committed to give my heart to that special someone. Once I do it's theirs forever. I am easy to get a long with. I just ask for the same in return. Please have a photo thanks. Please be LDS or honestly searching to become a member. Not interested if your heart isn't faithfully grounded in the church. |
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